We have a new COVID-19 Study! Anyone 18 or over with a smartphone can help slow the spread of infection and identify communities at risk.



The Eureka Research Platform lets researchers easily and quickly launch mobile and web-based studies. And it lets anyone be a citizen-scientist, contributing to their favorite health cause. Eureka is a non-profit resource built by researchers at the University of California San Francisco with support from the National Institutes of Health. We aim to provide an effective and efficient platform usable by researchers anywhere.


Eureka is a digital platform designed to facilitate mobile and internet-based technology research. The platform is designed to make it easy and cost-effective to work with participants from around the globe. By providing researchers with the tools to mobilize their studies and engage participants in ground-breaking discoveries, Eureka pushes the boundaries of traditional research.
Eureka is the simplest way to get your study up and running, whether using in-person or remote enrollment.
Eureka’s portal lets you customize your study – and keep your data safe.
Your participants and staff will have access to the study anywhere at any time on mobile, tablet or desktop.


Simple. Just send us a message with a short introduction and a description of your research question! We are excited to talk to investigators about how our platform can support your ideas and studies.
Get in touch